Jiangyin Zhongyida Light Alloy Technology Co., Ltd. Information disclosure system for the prevention and control of hazardous waste pollution

Source:Joyda Light Alloy Technology Co., Ltd. Release time:2021-11-23 13:38:51 Author:1195




危废废物管理责任人:赵文革 13861627303 注:以上为本公司产生的危废信息含铝废硫酸储存于厂区南侧第(2-2)危废仓库贮存池内;


Jiangyin Zhongyida Light Alloy Technology Co., Ltd.
Information disclosure system for the prevention and control of hazardous waste pollution

1. In order to implement the "Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China", the "Solid Waste Pollution Prevention Law of the People's Republic of China" and relevant laws and regulations, and in accordance with the requirements of the "Standardized Management Index System for Hazardous Wastes", the responsibility information for the prevention and control of hazardous waste pollution is formulated Open system.
2. Develop a hazardous waste information disclosure system, comprehensively disclose hazardous waste pollution prevention and control information, and post hazardous waste prevention and control responsibility information in a prominent place.
3. The General Manager's Office is responsible for the production of the information bulletin column for hazardous waste pollution prevention and control responsibility information, and is responsible for the authenticity of its publicized information.
4. The information in the bulletin board for the prevention and control of hazardous waste pollution should include: 1. The name, generation link, and hazard characteristics of hazardous waste;
2. Storage location and destination of hazardous waste;
3. Emergency disposal measures for hazardous wastes and external rescue calls;
4. Person in charge of hazardous waste management and contact phone number.
5. The person in charge of environmental protection shall maintain and update the information in the bulletin board in a timely manner.
6. This system shall be implemented from the date of issuance.

Hazardous waste pollution prevention and control responsibility information bulletin board

Note: The above is the hazardous waste information generated by the company. Waste sulfuric acid containing aluminum is stored in the storage pool of the hazardous waste warehouse (2-2) on the south side of the plant;
Aluminum-containing sludge, nickel-containing sludge, and waste mineral oil are stored in the hazardous waste warehouse (2-1) on the west side of the plant.

Person in charge of hazardous waste management: Zhao Wenge 13861627303
In case of emergencies, the person in charge of management should be contacted as soon as possible, and the situation should be reported to the environmental protection department 12369 at the same time.

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